Program Curriculum

Our weekly Emergency Medicine conference is a mandatory, protected-time didactic experience for all residents held on Wednesdays from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. It begins with our "Breakfast Club," which is an hour of didactics dedicated to building foundational knowledge for our PG1 learners but is open to all learners.

Core faculty members lead our conference from a scheduled, strategic 36-month curriculum based on EMRAP CorePendium and other assigned readings designed in compliance with the most recent Model of the Clinical Practice of Emergency Medicine.

Weekly our curriculum includes; Radiology Conference that includes plain films, CT and US, EKG Conference, core content presented by our core faculty as well as a resident presentation. Monthly sessions include Oral Boards Prep, In-training Examination Prep, Administrative Conferences including M&M and Research Conference including Journal Club.

Invited guest presentations are also hosted.

Our official QI curriculum runs from January to June but QI is a continuing iterative process that encompasses the entire year including resident membership on all of our hospital committees.

Our Simulation Curriculum occurs quarterly off-site at FAU in Boca Raton. Each resident is provided with the following resources; EMRAP, Rosh Review, PEER and Decker Med. Finally, our residents produce "EM Exhort," a weekly publication of fun and facts!

Our curriculum ensures our residents are properly prepared to sit for the American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM) certification examination as well as to provide expert clinical care at each patient's bedside.

Finally, our intensely interactive curriculum cultivates deep thinking and dialogue that generates innovative real-world solutions and dialogue that will also allow our graduates to become thought leaders within their hospital systems as well as more broadly should they so desire.