Conference Schedule

Emergency Medicine Conferences occur weekly on Wednesday mornings, residents have protected time off to attend.

  • Hour 1: Kahoot Core Content Review
  • Hour 2: Faculty Grand Rounds
  • Hour 3: Resident led conference
  • Hour 4: EM Foundations (Small group learning) and Simulation
  • Hour 5: Asynchronous Learning

Rotation Schedule

There are 13 four-week modules in each academic year.

Each four-week module starts on Monday and finishes on Sunday. The first block starts on the Monday closest to July 1.  Paid time off (PTO) occurs in dedicated blocks.

All rotations are at Grand Strand Medical Center or one of the associated free-standing Emergency Departments: South Strand, North Strand and Carolina Forest.


The total time in the ICU is five months.

  • Medical ICU (2 months)
  • Surgical ICU
  • Neuro ICU
  • Pediatric ICU

Rotations by PGY Level

PGY1 Rotations Duration
Emergency Medicine 8
Pediatric Emergency Medicine 1
Medical ICU 1
IM Wards 1
Anesthesia 1
Trauma 1
PGY2 Rotations Duration
Emergency Medicine 6
Pediatric Emergency Medicine 1
Surgical ICU 1
Pediatric ICU 1
Neurosurgery/Orthopedics 1
Obstetrics 1
EM Ultrasound 1
Elective 1
PGY3 Rotations Duration
Emergency Medicine 9
EMS/Trauma 1
Toxicology/Administration 1
Medical ICU 1
Elective 1


There will be one emergency medicine elective during PGY2 and one during PGY3. Elective rotations include:

  • Advanced Administration
  • Advanced PEM
  • Advanced Toxicology
  • Advanced Ultrasound
  • EMS/Flight Medicine
  • Global Health
  • Medical Education
  • Optho/ENT
  • Pain Management
  • Palliative Care
  • Pediatric EM
  • Wilderness Medicine

With the program director’s approval, the resident can set up an alternative elective rotation.