Philip K. Frykman, MD, PhD, MBA, FACS, Program Director

Dr. Frykman is a pediatric surgeon with 14 years’ experience in GME. Dr. Frykman is an internationally recognized authority in field of Hirschsprung disease holding multiple NIH grants. He is also an inventor with multiple patents.

David Chi, MD, FACS, Core Faculty

Dr. Chi is a surgical oncologist with vast experience in gastrointestinal cancers, breast and thyroid cancer. Dr. Chi serves on the Board of Directors at Los Robles.

Makrouhi Kademian, MD, FACS, Core Faculty

Dr. Kademian is a general surgeon with interests in trauma and minimally invasive surgery. She served as Trauma Director at Los Robles for 8 years.

Mark Suski, MD, FACS, Core Faculty

Dr. Suski is a plastic surgeon with interests in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. Dr. Suski serves a Chief of Staff at Los Robles.