Program Curriculum

Clinical Experience:

Most rotations will take place at MountainView Hospital, including general anesthesiology, outpatient surgery, neuro-anesthesia, vascular-cardiothoracic anesthesiology, Preop and PACU, ICU, OBGYN and Out-of-OR anesthesia.

Sunrise Hospital will host pediatric and trauma anesthesia, including overnight and weekend trauma calls.

Southern Nevada VA Health System will host residents in general anesthesia and pain clinic rotations.


Academic half-day, Grand-Rounds, M&M conference, and Journal Club will take place at MountainView GME, led and facilitated by program faculty and invited experts. Online-tools and resources will also guide didactic progress.


Simulation will be an integral part of our anesthesia curriculum, and will take place at the fully equipped simulation center at MountainView GME Simulation Center.


Resident well-being, work-life balance, team-building and anti-burnout strategies will be recurring topics throughout resident training.