
Our program is in full compliance with the criteria dictated by the ACGME. It is broken down into thirteen, four-week blocks.

Though the number of clinic days varies per rotation, generally PGY1s will have one clinic half-day per week, PGY2s have two clinic half-days per week, and PGY3s have three clinic half-days per week.

Typically, we have residents select a two-week vacation block prior to the beginning of the academic year, and the rest of the vacation is selected by the resident as the year goes by.


  • Intern Month (July)
  • Inpatient Day (2 Months)
  • Inpatient Nights (2 Months)
  • Adult ER
  • Pediatric ER
  • Obstetrics
  • Family Medicine Clinic
  • Outpatient Pediatrics (6 weeks)
  • Surgery*
  • Addiction Medicine (2 week)
  • Ultrasound (2 week)
  • 2 week vacation


  • Inpatient Day
  • Inpatient Night
  • Inpatient (2 week) / 2 week vacation
  • MICU
  • Ortho/Sports
  • Inpatient Pediatrics
  • Newborn
  • Obstetrics
  • Family Medicine Clinic
  • Family Medicine Clinic
  • Cardiology*
  • Elective*
  • Elective


  • Inpatient Day
  • Inpatient Night
  • Family Medicine Clinic
  • Family Medicine Clinic
  • Family Medicine Clinic
  • 2 week vacation / 2 week addiction medicine
  • Gynecology
  • Geriatrics
  • Ortho/Sports
  • Elective*
  • Elective*
  • Elective*
  • Elective*

*Indicates preferred vacation blocks

Available electives include:

  • Urology
  • Research
  • Ophthalmology
  • ENT
  • Newborn
  • MICU
  • Inpatient
  • Family Medicine Clinic
  • Practice Management
  • Peds ER
  • Adult ER
  • Addiction
  • Gyn
  • Endocrine outpatient
  • Radiology
  • Outpatient Nephrology
  • Inpatient Infectious Disease
  • Rheumatology

Learn to Lead, Leader to Learner Program (LTL2)

The ability to lead effectively is a crucial aspect of residents’ success during training and when they eventually go out to practice in the community. We have designed a special program called the “Learn to Lead: Leader to Learner Program.”

This leadership program truly distinguishes the OPMC Family Medicine residency from all others. Developed in accordance with the American Academy of Family Physicians curriculum guidelines on Leadership, LTL2 is an innovative process of creating a generation of family medicine physicians to take a leadership role in advanced primary care practices and evolving health care systems.

Lifestyle Medicine Residency Curriculum

The Lifestyle Medicine Residency Curriculum (LMRC) is a comprehensive, applicable, and flexible curriculum designed for integrated implementation into medical residency programs. Driven by resident involvement, the curriculum has included residents in every aspect of its creation. The educational component includes 40 hours of didactic material along with 60 hours of application activities completed our residents’ 3 year training period. The practicum component enables residents to clearly demonstrate ongoing exposure to and use of the principles of lifestyle medicine in the clinical setting with patients. Upon completion of both the educational and practicum components of the curriculum, residents qualify to sit for the American Board of Lifestyle Medicine certification exam if they so choose.